Tuesday, 5 March 2013

AS preliminery


To show the continuity editing  and match on action , shot reverse shot ,180 degree rule

match on action or a cutting on action is an editing technique for continuity editing in which one shot cuts in to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot this creates an impression of a sense of continuity the action carrying through creates a visual bridge which draws the viewers attention away from the slight cutting or continuity issues. this is not a graphic match cut it portrays a continuous sense of the same action rather than matching two separate things. 

Shot reverse shot is continuity editing technique used in conversation or simply characters looking at each other or objects shot reverse shot is often used with the 180 degree rule to retain continuity by not disorientating the audience. 

180 degree rule Is a filming guideline the people in the scene should have the same left right relationship to each other with the filming only being taken in a 180 degree angle.
Setting of AS preliminary photos

preliminery storybored

Diary of work

Day one

on day one of working on our AS preliminary we structured a story bored taken from our idea of an interview we created the story bored to make sure we list all the correct shots and angles and also to include continuity editing we also made notes about the clip and also took photos of the setting we were going to use for the preliminary shooting .
Day two
day two of AS preliminary work we sent out and filmed the interview in the setting as planned on previous days
Day three
day three we unploded the preliminery on to the computer and then edited it and placed all of out scences in the corect sequence to show continuity editing .



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